© 2012 - 2023 - ShowCards by Suze. All rights reserved.

Q)  I'm a little worried about wind.  What is the best way to secure my ShowCard?
A)  Unfortunately,we can protect the ShowCard from moisture and UV rays, but wind is a little more difficult to defend against.  Because of placement, we have seen ShowCards blow over in a slight breeze yet sustain hurricane force winds (yes, during a show in August of 2011, two ShowCards by Suze were on display with their cars using easels at a Show in Baltimore when Hurricane Irene paid a visit.  They never blew over. But, the manner in which they were propped-up may have had something to do with it.)  The Spider Feet we now offer have the capability of being held down with tent spikes (available at most hardware and outdoor stores.) at least on soft ground.  Their weight helps tremendously under less than "small craft warning" winds.  A little common sense goes a long way regarding when to put the ShowCard away.

Q)  How do I care for my ShowCard?
A)  While your ShowCard is very durable and sealed from the elements, the clear plexiglass cover is susceptible to scratching if not properly cared for.  Only use mild soap and water on a clean microfiber towel.  Do not soak it, and never hose it down.  Never use glass cleaner or any solvents or abrasives.  This could fog and damage the surface.  Paper towels can scratch the plexiglass, so avoid using anything other than microfiber.  Small scratches can be buffed out using any automotive plexiglass or plastic polish or scratch remover.  An information sheet with more detailed care and cleaning instructions will be supplied with your ShowCard.

Q)  Why should I choose ShowCards by Suze?
A)  All you have to do is compare the appearance.  When you see your ShowCard by Suze next to any of the others you will see what we mean.  So many of the showcards and showboards at the shows look so much alike that you know where they were made.  If it takes less than a week to produce, it's too fast and too easy.  When you see a ShowCard by Suze you know it because it's . . .  different.  Each one is completely unique.  Individualistic!   No "cookie-cutter", same as the next guy board.  Each one of our ShowCards has a different number of items listed.  We don't limit you to choosing your favorite 6 or 7 or 8 things about your car.  We only limit you to how much you can put on the Card and still be able to read it.  Each ShowCard is so individualistic that it is a piece of art.  It even gets signed by the artist.  When you compare what you get there is no comparison.  ShowCards by Suze are simply the best!

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